1- The college gives utmost priority for discipline and every one, student and staff member is bound to follow the rules and regulations of the college and maintain strict discipline.
2- Under disciplinary action, the principal is empowered to fine, suspend or even expel a student from the college in the interests of the institution.
3- Students are strictly not permitted to possess or use Mobile Phones inside the college campus.
4- The loss or damage or disfigurement caused to the college articles will be made good by realizing double the loss or damages so incurred from the concerned students or through a collective fine covering all the students.
5- Every Student shall conduct himself/herself in such a way to cause no disturbance to the working of the classes or to fellow students.
7- No function shall be arranged by the students in the college campus without prior written permission from the principal or manager.
8- Writing on walls, pillars, bath rooms, and furniture or black boards is strictly prohibited.
9- The cost of any damage, if caused to college property will be charged to the accounts of the students responsible for the damage in addition to disciplinary action.
10- Students are advised to switch off fans and lights when they leave the class rooms.
11- No one will be allowed to whistle, hoot, shout or sing aloud while travelling in the bus. They are also not allowed to throw papers or other articles while travelling.
12- If any student has of continued poor performance in internal tests and poor class attendance, the principal has the authority to withhold permission for him/her to write the university examinations.
13- It shall be the bounden duty of every student to abide by the rules and regulations of the college, and to conduct himself with discipline and decorum in all places and under all circumstances.
14-Every student shall attend classes regularly and punctually and shall refrain himself/herself from any action that may disturb the smooth working of the college.
15- Students shall be clean and decorous in dress, language and behavior.
16- When classes are in session, students shall not enter or leave the class rooms without the permission of the teachers teaching in the class.
17- If any student (s) have free class(s) he/she shall not loiter in the veranda or in the college premises . During such time they shall go to Library/Reading Room.
18- Except in the meeting of the various college associations, no student shall address any gathering in the college premises without the special permission of the Principal.
19-Indecent behavior of any student towards opposite gender student, will never be tolerated.
20-Students shall not invite or encourage outsiders to enter the campus.
21- Demonstrations/Campaigning of any type at any time during the working days of the college is strictly prohibited within the campus.
22- Rioting/agitating against another group of students or against my member of staff/principal/management on any reason what so ever is prohibited.
23- Ragging/teasing/intimidating/harassing/abusing etc. on junior students especially female students within the campus or outside the campus is punishable offence & crime under Police Act, and such matters will be immediately reported to the police.
24-Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each period. Late comers shall enter class-rooms only with the permission of the teacher.
25-Impersonation at roll call will be considered as serious offence.
26-Application for leave of absence for more than 4 days due to illness should be supported by medical certificates.
27-Students absenting themselves from the college for more than fifteen consecutive working days without genuine reason and satisfactory explanation will have their names removed from the roll and treated as temporary removal.