1-Access to the Internet is a privilege, not a right. All students and staff members are advised not to misuse the internet facilities.
2-Students should enter the log-in and log-out time in the log note without fail.
3-Students must produce Identity Card when demanded, to utilize the lab resources.
4- Students are not allowed to download pictures, music, videos or files, without the permission of a staff.
5-Log-on with your username and password for your use only. Never share your username and password with any other person.
6-Food or drinks are not allowed inside the computer lab.
7- Do not install software's without Admin's permission.
8-Do not remove or disconnect any parts, cables or labels.
9-Usage of storage devices (CD, DVD, Pen Drive, External HDD etc) is prohibited.
10-Internet sites related to chatting, instant messaging, social networking adult networking etc. are strictly prohibited.
11- No Internet/Intranet gaming activities shall be allowed.
12- Do not personalize the computer settings. ( This includes desktop, screen server, etc.)
13-Maintain Silence inside the competition lab.
14- INTERNET BROWSING IS NOT ALLOWED DURING LAB HOURS. Staff and students are not allowed to misuse the internet facilities. Penalties for minor disciplinary violation Where the violation is considered minor by the Competent Authority, the following penalties may be imposed at the discretion of the Competent Authority for minor disciplinary violations:

  • • A warning to be issued to the student for first offence may not be placed in the students' record. However, in case of a repeat offence the censure may be placed on the student's record and may invite action;
  • • A fine may be imposed for each violation / offence;
  • • Withholding scholarship or other benefits/ grade cards / offer letters

Penalties for major disciplinary violation
When violation is considered major by the Competent Authority, the following penalties may be imposed for the major disciplinary violations:
  • • Suspension / debarment from the institute where the student will be declared 'persona-non-grata' and will be debarred from entering the premises, facilities and from attending the classes or;
  • • Permanent expulsion from the institute or;
  • • The defaulter may be debarred form taking an examination or examinations for one year or more than one year.
  • • Any other course of action which may be reasonable in the circumstances.