1- Silence must be maintained in the library.
2- Personal belongings are not allowed inside the Library.
3- Borrower's cards are not transferable.
4- Books are to be handled very carefully. If a book is lost by the student, he/she shall replace the book (same title, author and edition) or shall pay double the cost of the book as fine.
5- Members before leaving the issue counter must satisfy themselves as to whether the books which they intend to borrow are in good condition and any damage should be immediately, reported to the Librarian or library staff, failing which the member to whom the book was issued will be held responsible.
6-Members are not permitted to underline, write in, folding/tearing of pages or defaced books in any way whatsoever.
7- The borrower book should be returned on or before due date, failing of which will cause Rs..1. per day on the students concerned.
8- Misbehavior in the library will lead to cancellation of membership and serious disciplinary action.
9- A member who has lost borrower's card shall make a written report to the librarian, only after then he/she can claim for a difficult borrowings card.
10-Only the student on whose borrowings card the book(s) is(are) issued will be responsible for any loss or non-return of the book(s). Any charge or fine will be on that student only.
11- All final year students should return their library card and library books based on library circular and obtain" a no dues certificate" from the library for getting their Hall Tickets.
12- Similarly the staff members who intend to leave the college should settle all the dues and obtain ' No Due Certificate" from the library.